Startup Tips
5 mins

A Great Idea

Millions of people in the UK have a great idea for a business but don't feel confident to set one up

According to a recent research poll by OnePoll, 1 in 10 people in the UK have an idea they think would be a good business.  However, it turns out young adults aged 18 - 24 are the most entrepreneurial - with 1 in 4 having an innovative idea that they felt would be a good business startup.

The poll showed that the UK has  plenty of creative people with great ideas, but many find the difficulties of starting the business holds them back. The key challenges were considered to be:

  • Problems setting up a non traditional business model
  • Not enough financial backing
  • Too few networking opportunities  
  • A lack of confidence.  

The poll summarised that millions of people in the UK have a great idea for a business, but don’t feel confident to set one up.  If this could be you, please get in touch for a chat to see if we can help.

Video of Liverpool by pauldaley1977 from Pixabay

December 3, 2020

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