Artificial Intelligence
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Artificial Intelligence Training : Different ways to learn

There are many ways to learn about Artificial Intelligence, from online courses to in person bootcamps. Here are a few of our favourites. NB We will be adding to this so please keep visiting.

Artificial Intelligence has a significant role in our daily lives, from personalized product recommendations to voice-activated assistants like Siri and Alexa. As AI's influence continues to grow, an understanding of this field has become invaluable. Whether you're a tech wizard, a curious hobbyist, or someone interested in the future, learning about AI can open up a new perspective on the world. This blog post is designed to provide you with a roadmap to navigate the intriguing world of AI, offering resources suitable for all levels of understanding.

Online Learning
  1. Coursera – AI For Everyone: This course is a fantastic place to start your AI journey. Andrew Ng, co-founder of Coursera, provides an insightful and comprehensive overview of AI and its many applications. You don't need a tech background to benefit from this course, as it breaks down complex AI concepts into digestible content for all.
  2. CS50AI – Harvard University: This 10 week course gives learners a robust understanding of AI with lectures covering the theory and mathematical concepts behind AI. Hands on Python exercises allow you to code AI examples. A really excellent course, but unfortunately needs updating as the examples run on an old version of Python
  3. Udemy – Artificial Intelligence A-Z™: Learn How To Build An AI: This Udemy course combines theory with hands-on exercises, making it a great way to learn by doing. The course covers a wide range of AI topics, including machine learning, data science, and deep learning.
  4. Google - Generative AI learning path: This is a 10 day course introducing Generative AI, LLMs, Image Generation and introduced transformers. We think this is one of the clearest courses on AI explaining the concepts in a simple and easy to understand way.

In-Person Learning

While online learning provides great flexibility, there's still an unmatched value in traditional, in-person learning environments. Here are some in-person courses based in the UK and a few exotic locations for those seeking to combine their AI learning experience with travel:

UK-Based Courses

1. Imperial College London - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Offered through their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme, this course is a comprehensive introduction to AI, ideal for those who prefer a classroom setting.

2. **University of Oxford - Artificial Intelligence Programme**: This executive education programme is designed for professionals, but anyone interested in AI and its implications in the business world would find it useful. The programme provides a thorough understanding of AI concepts, as well as their application in a business context.

Exotic Locations

1. Le Wagon, Bali: This course in Canguu, Bali provides a unique learning environment. The course offers a comprehensive introduction to data science, all while enjoying the beautiful surroundings and cool bars and restaurants in Canguu. You can even learn to surf in your down time.

2. Besant Technologies, Bangalore, India: Known as the "Silicon Valley of India", Bangalore offers a dynamic tech scene. This in person bootcamp course from Besant Technologies provides an in-depth introduction to AI and machine learning, with hands-on, practical instruction.

3. Noble Prog, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: A variety of face to face data science training modules are available, offered in training centres across Ho Chi Minh City. You can put your own learning path together whilst enjoying the bustling city.


Whether you're at home in the UK or willing to venture abroad for more exotic learning locales, there are in-person courses to suit your AI curiosity. Remember, learning about AI is an investment in understanding the rapidly evolving world around us. Whether you're drawn to the flexibility of online courses or the traditional classroom experience, there's an AI learning path that's perfect for you.

June 13, 2023

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